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Specializing in the research and development, design, manufacture, technical support and on-site service of petrochemical equipment internals, it is a qualified supplier of Sinopec, PetroChina, CNOOC, China Chemical and other enterprises

Time Owner Project and device Product
2020 Shenghong Refining and Chemical (Lianyungang) Co., Ltd 3.5 million tons diesel wax oil hydrogenation unit 2 sets of DN5400 hydrogenation reactor internals
2019 Shenghong Refining and Chemical (Lianyungang) Co., Ltd 4 million tons wax oil cracker Primary hydrocracking reactor φ 5600 two-stage hydrocracking reactor φ 5400 internals
2019 Shenghong Refining and Chemical (Lianyungang) Co., Ltd 3.2 million tons diesel cracker Primary hydrogenation reactor φ 5200 two-stage hydrogenation reactor φ 3800 internals
2019 Zhejiang Petrochemical Co., Ltd 2 # 4 million t/a wax oil hydrocracking unit of the second phase of the 40 million t/a refining and chemical integration project Hydrorefining reactor (2104-R-1001) Hydrocracking reactor (2104-R-1002) φ five thousand and eight hundred
2019 Zhejiang Petrochemical Co., Ltd 3 # 3.5 million t/a diesel hydrocracking unit and 4 # 3.5 million t/a diesel hydrocracking unit for the second phase of 40 million t/a refining and chemical - physical chemical project Primary reactor (2105/2106-R-1001) φ 5400 two-stage reactor (2105/2106-R-1002) φ three thousand and eight hundred
2019 Sinopec Zhenhai Refinery 1.3 million t/a continuous reforming unit Four sets of DN1320 central pipe for four-in-one reactor internals
2018 Zhejiang Petrochemical Co., Ltd 4 million t/a wax oil hydrocracking unit for the first phase of 40 million t/a refining and chemical integration project Hydrorefining (1107-R-1001), hydrocracking reactor (1107-R-1002) reactor internals φ five thousand and eight hundred
2018 Fujian Baihong Petrochemical Co., Ltd 2.5 million tons/year PTA project PTA reactor (D-1301) Overflow Can and Liquid Di strut internals
2017 Zhejiang Petrochemical Co., Ltd 4 million t/a diesel hydrogenation unit for the first phase of 40 million t/a refining and chemical integration project The first reactor (1134-R-0101), the second reactor (1134-R-0102) φ five thousand and six hundred
2017 Hengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd 20 million tons/year refining and chemical integration 11.5 million tons wax oil hydrocracking unit HCK2A  HCK2B hydrocracking reactor internals φ five thousand and four hundred
2017 Hengli Petrochemical (Dalian) Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd 20 million t/a refining and chemical integrated 6 million t diesel hydrocracking unit HCK1A  HCK21 hydrocracking reactor internals φ five thousand
2017 Sinopec Zhenhai Refinery 2.6 million t/a fluidized bed residue hydrocracking unit (including PSA) residue hydrocracking Internals of two-stage hydrogenation reactor DN4850
2017 Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd 1.2 million t/a isooctane blending project, 1 million t/a continuous reforming unit Four reforming reactor internals: central tube, sector tube